Sunday, November 7, 2010

Job #1...start collecting coupon inserts

In order to coupon, well, you need coupons! I started off only buying one newspaper a week and found that I was missing out on some fantastic deals because I didn't have the right number of coupons.

If I had to suggest a number for beginners, I would say buy 2 newspapers and then see if you can get a neighbors, family member, coworkers newspaper when they are done. Provided they are not a couponer!

One thing I have learned is NOT all places that you buy papers (news stand, drug store, grocery store, coffee shop) have the same inserts! You want to check the paper and make sure there is a RED PLUM (RP) and a SMART SOURCE (SS). I think that is what it is called. I only call it SS now. Anyway, the other insert that seems to be coming out once a month, I could be wrong, is Proctor and Gamble (P&G). This is huge savings in the making.

The first time I decided I wanted to buy 4 newspapers, I didn't check and the RP was missing from the papers! So lesson learned. I always check. I know Wegmans always has all the inserts, and home deliveries do too.

And don't start clipping just yet and making a big mess! It will discourage you immediately. Later I am going to post how to clip quickly and keep yourself organized.

If you are wondering how to organize your coupons, because it does matter, go to youtube and search coupon organization. Tons of videos and ideas. I have a binder with dividers and baseball card organizers that is working well for me right now. Lots of different ways, check it out.


  1. If your 3:59AM posting time is any indication, then this may not be for me!

    Brother Jay

  2. No...clocks must be off! Although I was up at 6 am but not 4 am!!!!

  3. See, your post says 6:09 a.m. and I KNOW my brother is not up that early learning how to save money! LOL Actually, my response to you says 2:05 and it is 5:05 right now. Must be a PST somewhere that I need to change to EST.
